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Apply for Cinema United Membership

Cinema United Member Application Form

"*" indicates required fields

MEMBERSHIP QUALIFICATIONS: To qualify for membership, EACH of these requirements must be met:

  1. Applicant must be any sole proprietorship, partnership, corporation, or other business entity which is directly engaged on a for-profit basis in the operation of one or more motion picture exhibition facilities
  2. Applicant must exhibit DCP-encrypted movies authorized with a key (KDM) and/or exhibit movies via film (35mm or 70mm), in one or more fixed locations built for the purpose of motion picture exhibition.
  3. The theatre must be open and operating at least 30 days to be considered for membership

Please reach out to Director of Membership, Erin Von Hoetzendorff, with any questions or concerns about this application process: erin@cinemaunited.org

Note: any item with an asterisk (*) next to it, is required.
Please enter a number greater than or equal to 1.
Headquarter Address*
This address will be used for billing purposes
For US Exhibitors Only – List which state(s) your company operates in
For International Exhibitors Only – List which country(s) your company operates in
List the email that is the best general contact for your theater/company. A copy of this application will automatically be emailed to this email.

Contact Information

Let us know who we should contact about specific items.
Main Member Contact*
May receive important, high-level information from Cinema United that does not go to all staff. For US based companies, this person will also be our contact for legislative issues.
Full Name
Job Title
Direct Phone Number
Billing Contact*
Receives annual dues notice and payment information.
Full Name
Job Title
Direct Phone Number
Company Administrator Contact*
Person responsible for updating screen count, addresses, and other company info in Cinema United Member Database.
Full Name
Job Title
Direct Phone Number
Ticket Price Contact (US Exhibitors only)
Person responsible for providing data on theater’s ticket prices when Cinema United collects this information (typically twice a year). This is used to calculate the average ticket price in the U.S.
Ticket Price Contact Full Name
Ticket Price Contact Email
Ticket Price Contact Job Title
Other Contacts
Cinema United Members can add their staff to our database and distribution list. Please list any other members of your team, not already listed above, who you would like to enroll. Use the plus button on the right side to add more lines.
Staff Contact Full Name
Staff Contact Email
Staff Contact Job Title

Location Information

Theater Name & Addresses*
List the location of each complex for which you are paying dues. Use the plus button to add additional locations.
Location Name
Location Full Address
Screen Count at Location
For companies with many locations, feel free to upload an excel file here with location name, location address, and screen counts for each location instead of filling out the question above. If you do this, enter N/A in the boxes above to get past the question requirement.
Max. file size: 100 MB.

Other Info

Select the option that most accurately represents your company*
How did you hear about Cinema United?

Note: Please do not send payment with application. A member of the Cinema United team will review your application and reach out with more information about your dues payment. Submit your application using the button below.

This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.