Colleen Barstow

Member Profile
How has Cinema United membership been impactful to you and/or your business?When purchasing our first movie theatre, we didn’t have much information. Cinema United was the first organization we reached out to and became members. The information from seminars (ShoWest & CinemaCon) and now the Summit have helped us grow our business and get us where we are today. If there is ever a question you have, there is always someone who can help you through.
Back in 1988, my husband (in the Air Force at the time) and our family were relocated to Omaha, Nebraska. We had discussed leaving the Air Force and setting up roots in the small town of Plattsmouth, Nebraska. There was a one screen theater in the heart of downtown. We ended up purchasing the theatre (after paying the down payment by using 3 different credit cards). We learned quickly and just went full speed ahead. Our three children are now immersed in the business as well.
I love bringing people together for a shared experience. We work with a lot of community organizations and when we can bring in groups that normally don’t have the means to attend movies, seeing the joy and excitement we can bring them is priceless.
Back in 2012 we hosted a community event showing the movie Red Tails and honoring the Tuskegee Airmen at our Omaha location. We had four surviving Tuskegee Airmen in attendance and had the Offutt Air Force Base color guard and Air Force brass ensemble. The singing of the National Anthem brought tears to many and just being in the presence of these patriots was incomparable on many levels. As theatre owners, we all have the opportunity to bring people together and share experiences that last a lifetime.
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This is a shoutout to all the drive-ins. Being from a large family (8 siblings), I remember how much fun it was when it was announced we were going to the drive-in to catch the latest family movie. I have so many memories of playing outside until the movie started and then hooking the speakers up so everyone could hear. It was such a care-free time.
Being in the business over 35 years, we have seen many changes. From picking up the film cans at the film depot, to building up film and praying there wouldn’t be any bad splices to now having the technology to just download the content to play has given us freedom to use our time in building the business and not just running the business.
First and foremost, would be to have fun! Our industry is almost always a part of everyone’s life. We are blessed to be able to bring entertainment experiences to all walks of life. Enjoy what it brings to people. You are entering an industry that provides so many memories to the masses and that is a pretty cool accomplishment! Other industry members are always ready and willing to help, so reach out and enjoy the ride!